EZProxy authentication can be used for students accessing content off campus (or on campus if you do not have IP authentication setup for this purpose).
Please contact support@cla.zendesk.com to request integration with the DCS.
To set up on EZproxy we will need your EZproxy URL, an example of which is below.
- EZproxy prefix URL: https://ezproxy1.cla.ac.uk/login?url=
- Also the IP address (or range) of your EZproxy Server
The following lines must also be added to your EZproxy server config.txt file:
T Digital Content Store
U https://contentstore.cla.co.uk
DJ cla.co.uk
Note: Keys/fields may be different based on your actual version.
Below is how this appears in the DCS:
It would also be useful to have a test username and password for CLA to test.
You may want to forward this request to your IT Department to help.
If testing in demo first the lines that must be added to your EZproxy server config.txt file should be:
T Digital Content Store Demo
U https://demo-dcs.cla.co.uk
DJ demo-dcs.cla.co.uk
If you have any questions about the integration, just email support@cla.zendesk.com.
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