Adding a Lecturer
Once a course has been added you can now add a lecturer.
You can either 'Assign New Lecturer' (for a lecturer already in the system) or 'Create New Lecturer' for a lecturer not in the system.
In order to check all your lecturer details, a table can be found under 'My Institution'.
When you 'Create New Lecturer' you will be required to add their name and a unique email address (if you get an error stating that the email is already in use, then you should use 'Assign New Lecturer' instead).
When using the 'Assign New Lecturer' button you will be faced with a search bar to search for the lecturer. Once selected click 'Add' to assign to the course.
If you add more than one lecturer you can change the Lead Lecturer by selecting the 'Promote to lead Lecturer' button.
You can also Edit the lecturers details under the course or under 'My Institution' by selecting 'Edit Lecturer', which will edit the lecturer for all the courses that they are assigned to.
Archiving and Deleting Courses
When rolling over to a new academic year you may wish to delete or archive entire courses or the content within.
Please note that you cannot delete courses from previous academic years as these are 'closed' and no longer active.
To delete the entire course, search for the course under the 'Courses' tab in the DCS.
Under the course you should click the 'Delete' button. This will delete the course entirely and you are not able to reinstate the course except to start from scratch.
If you feel you may wish to use the course again in a subsequent year you should instead archive the course using the 'Archive' button.
For archived content the 'Update' and 'Delete' buttons will be greyed out and all the content within will also be in an archived state.
After archiving a course you can choose to reinstate at a later date. Where the 'Archive' button was there will now be a button called 'Reinstate'.
After reinstating the course you will need to reinstate the content within, as new permission and extent limit checks are required to ensure continued compliance (see next section for more details).
Archiving and Deleting links
Archiving and reinstating links work exactly the same as Courses, except that you need to go to the course under the 'Courses' tab and then select 'View Content'.
Here you can select the individual links you may wish to archive or delete.
Deleted links cannot be retrieved and are permanently removed.
For archived links, these will remain under the course but are greyed out (and the DCS link will be inaccessible to students).
To reinstate, select the 'Reinstate' button.
You will be taken into the request where you will need to check whether the title is still included, and also double check Extent Limits and confirm if necessary.
You can then generate the link.
Once the link is generated the link is now published and available for student access. The link will still be the same URL as before it was archived.
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