In order to make royalty payments to our right holders, CLA conducts various Royalties' Data Exercises across the HE sector. For more information about how CLA uses the data it collects to remunerate right holders, see some further info on the website here.
Will the photocopying surveys carry on?
Licensees are required to co-operate with a Royalties Data Exercise as per clause 7 of the Licence. These are continuing so that CLA can capture photocopying data to inform the distribution of royalty payments to right holders.
Do HEIs need to submit a Digital Copy Record Form (DCRF) each summer?
Clause 7.2 refers to the record keeping for Digital Copies made in an academic year. We appreciate that in the transition to the DCS it may still be necessary to report material in during the first reporting period (rollover), but after this point, if an HEI uses the DCS for the storage and access of all CLA repertoire material, then there is no requirement to report Digital Copies to CLA, as CLA will be able to monitor usage.
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