There will be occasions where the same piece of content is used across more than one course. If you have already created a link for one course, you can use the ‘Clone Content’ function to make creating a second link easier.
There are two ways to clone content in the DCS:
Cloning content while on the Course page
To find this function, first find the content you would like to clone by going courses and finding the course it is assigned to. Click ‘view content’ and on the right hand side you will see the Clone Content button next to content you wish to copy.
Once you have clicked this button, you will see the message below. Click OK.
You will now be taken to the Content Request page. Several of the sections will be completed including Publication Details, Licence Compliance Verification, Extent Limits and Source Content. The only section you will need to complete is Assign to Course. You can now assign it to a different course, and generate the link as normal.
Please Note: The DCS will warn you if you are assigning the same piece of content more than once to a single course. When attempting to do so, the error message below will appear.
Cloning content while on the Request page
After publishing the content link, you will see a 'clone content' button appear to the right of the link:
To clone the content, click this button and then click 'Yes' in the popup:
Clicking 'yes' here will start a new request based on the one you are currently viewing. To complete your new request, assign it to a different course before doing the usual licence, ownership and extent limits checks. Then, generate a link to complete.
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