When creating a link to content there is a section in the content request form called Licence Compliance Verification.
As per clause 3.2 of the Licence, a HEI must own or have subscribed to the original material from which the copy is made. This remains the case when using the DCS, regardless of whether or not another HEI has uploaded a copy in to the repository. If the HEI does not own the source material, as presently, they can purchase a Copyright Fee Paid (CFP) copy to act as ownership. It is possible to order these from the British Library and CLA’s EHESS facility via the DCS.
The DCS automatically checks the CLA Check Permissions tool for you, and will be able to tell you if the title is covered by your CLA Licence.
If your Library Management System supports DCS integration and it has been configured, the DCS will check your library catalogue to check the ownership of the title you have made a copy of and are creating a link to.
If your Library Management System does not support integration, you can select the ownership status yourself.
If you have selected yes, the DCS will ask you to choose an ownership status. You can select from the following:
- Not catalogued
- Copyright Fee Paid Copy
- Personal Copy
- Purchased
- Catalogued
You may find that the title you have searched for is not found in our database to be covered by the CLA Licence.
When a title is not found it means that the Check Permissions API have not been able to identify this title in our database. You should try to find out whether or not this is covered by the Licence. You can click on 'View Details' to see whether this could be covered based on country of publication or exceptions. Click on the links shown in the details section.
To find out more about how the check permissions tool work in the DCS, click here.
The DCS will give you a number of options to override this. They are:
- Covered by CLA Licence- you have contacted CLA and know that this work is covered by the Licence
- Legal Exception - this option should be chosen for any articles being used under the Section 36 Licence
- Direct permission obtained- you have directly contacted the rights holder and gained permission to copy their work
- Open Access & Creative Commons
- Primary Licence - under terms and conditions of your eBook or online journal subscription, or else another collecting agency (for example NLA Licence permissions)
- Special Licence Provision
- Out of Copyright
To find out more about using excluded works, click here.
If you are unsure what each override option refers to, hover over the 'i' icon for further information:
If you do not own the title, the DCS will give you the option to order a Copyright Fee Paid copy to act as ownership through EHESS.
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