Click to skip to section:
- Setup requirements
- Checking the setup in your DCS settings
- Checking the setup in a DCS request
- Holdings Information
Setup requirements
To set up integration with SirsiDynix Symphony, please email with the following information:
- Base URL
- Institution Code
- Client ID
- Username
- Password
- On-Order values
More information about these below.
Base URL
This is your SirsiDynix Web Services Base URL, including the web service endpoint.
You will need to ensure that your Web Services instance can be accessed by the DCS system through the firewall from the addresses listed below.
SirsiDynix recommends using Web Services 2015.08 or later. You can check the version in your web browser, as follows:
{SirsiDynix Web Services Base URL}/rest/standard/version
Client ID (customer specific)
This corresponds to a valid Client ID as defined in Web Services. You will need to purchase the Web Services SDK annual subscription from SirsiDynix if you haven’t previously done so. This will allow you to create a new Client ID in the Web Services administration console. Once you’ve added a new Client ID, you will need to request a new licence file from SirsiDynix Customer Support. SirsiDynix Support will need to know the values that you intend to use before generating the licence file.
Username and Password
You will need to create a user record in Symphony so that the DCS can login to Web Services to use some of the functions available. The username and password will correspond to the user ID and PIN for the new user record. The user will need a user access level of staff or above. (Note the user record does not need the same level of access as used for logging into WorkFlows. The access list can therefore be left with all wizards unchecked. Similarly, there are no command list dependencies.)
On order values
These are the location policy names you use in your system to indicate that you have ordered the book however it is not yet formally part of your library collection. These are the values that cause a match to not be included in the DCS results (e.g. if all titles returned as on-order then we do not display ownership)
Checking the setup in your DCS settings
Below is an example of how this will look in the DCS after integrated:
Checking the setup in a DCS request
Once integrated you should check your catalogue holdings in the DCS to ensure the setup is correct. An integrated title should appear as below.
If the catalogue result is incorrect or you purchase an item not in the catalogue, you can confirm ownership using the 'Override' icon.
If the result is in error, stating that you own material that you do not, this can also be overriden using the 'Override' icon.
Holdings Information
Users with a SirsiDynix Symphony integration are now able to automatically check their LMS catalogue Holdings information using the DCS with a new ‘View Holdings Information’ button:
This can tell you the availability of items at your library to support scanning, and also to confirm ownership for HEIs with shared libraries:
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