If you do not have an EHES/S account, please see the CLA website for more information about signing up, please see here.
Once you are setup with your EHESS account please contact support@cla.zendesk.com to integrate your account with the DCS. The below article covers the following points:
- Information required
- Notifications
- Resources
Information required
Please send the following information to support@cla.zendesk.com:
- Your EHESS account number (which takes the form XX-XXX where X is always numeric). This may also be referred to as the Customer Key or the British Library Account Number.
- Whether you are a pay monthly, or pay in advance customer
If you are struggling to find the above information, please request this from the BL on customer@bl.uk.
If you wish, you can change your institution's settings so that users receive email notifications when there is a status change to your EHESS orders (for example if the scan has been uploaded and is 'Awaiting HEI review', if the order has 'Failed', etc). To do this, go to the 'My institution' tab and scroll down to where it says 'Email notifications'. Here you will see a tick box - tick this and then scroll down to the bottom of your page and click 'Update'.
The user who created the request will be sent a simple email letting them know their order has an update and offering a link directly to the request. If you would prefer not to receive these updates then simply leave the settings with the box unticked.
Once you are set up on the system you can order EHESS copies in the DCS. Please see our detailed instruction guide on using EHESS in the DCS here.
You can find all our articles about EHESS here.
You can find our company page about the EHESS service here.
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