Since enriching the DCS database with content from more than 50,000 publisher original titles, users now have the ability to search the database by "All material" or by only "Born Digital".
You will notice that the Search page has now been renamed "Search and Discover":
The search box works in exactly the same way as it always has, and you still have the option to search by book or article, via the toggle above the search bar.
The addition of the drop down box underneath the search bar allows you to search for all content in the DCS, or for just Born Digital titles. When searching for All Content, Born Digital titles will always be listed above non-born digital titles in the search results, as we would like to encourage use of this material (the icon to the left of the ISBN denotes Born Digital content):
When searching for just Born Digital titles, only ISBNS with Born Digital material will appear in the search results. This is especially useful if you would like to search for Born Digital material available by publisher, for example:
If you do not wish to search through content and are looking for a specific ISBN, then the system will present you with the book metadata, as normal. If the ISBN corresponds to a Born Digital ISBN, an icon will appear to the right of the book title:
If the ISBN you've searched for does not correspond to a Born Digital ISBN, the book metadata will appear with no icon:
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