Born Digital
RLMS integrations
- RLMS Integration in the DCS
- Linking the DCS to your Keylinks Reading List
- Linking the DCS to ExLibris Leganto
- Leganto: supporting lists with multiple course codes
- Linking the DCS to your Talis Reading List
- Making DCS requests from Talis Aspire Reading Lists
Using the DCS
- Deleting Content (PDFs)
- Creating a new record on the DCS
- How are records created on the DCS?
- Useful DCS links
- Defnyddio’r Darllenydd Myfyriwr Uwch
- Using the Advanced Student Reader
- Academic Request Form - Digitisation Team
- Amend content details after publishing link
- Enabling and Using the Student Reader - ADMIN
- Direct Open Athens integration for users not registered with the UK Federation
- Manual and bulk upload of Lecturers
- Using a Web Proxy to access DCS content
LMS integrations
- LMS integration
- PTFS Koha
- Capita Alto LMS
- Innovative Sierra Integration
- SirsiDynix Symphony Integration
- ExLibris Alma Integration
- Course API
- Cloning Courses
- Linking to a Student Record System to Automatically Update Student Numbers
- Course page cookies
- Adding Courses
- Amending Courses
Rollover and Rechecks
- Rollover - General
- Rollover - Specifics
- Rollover - Using VLOOKUP to add student numbers
- Second Extract expiry dates and when to renew
- Rollover - Open EHESS orders
- Rechecking items with no ISBN or ISSN
Reports, Workflow tools & Data
- Digital Content Store Accessibility Statement
- Accessing and Sharing your Metrics within your Institution
- Reports: Downloads per content item
- Reports: HEI report
- Dashboard
- Running a Report