If you're a lecturer using the Academic Request form to set a password in order to get manually authenticated to access your digitised content, you can now also read this article for a guide on how to get setup.
This guide will take you through how to...
- Access the academic request form
- Use the academic request form to send digitisation requests to your library team
- Reset your password
Accessing the form
The URL for the form is: https://academicform.cla.co.uk/Home/Login
As a first-time user, select New User or Reset Password.
Here you will be asked to submit your email address in order to receive a link to setup a password. This will be sent from a no-reply email address, so check your spam folder if you haven't received an email after a few minutes.
Ensure you are using the correct institution email address to access the academic form.
If you, as a lecturer, were not added to the DCS lecturer space, you will receive the below error.
It is no longer necessary to choose 'reset password' if you've previously set a password; now users may click either 'New user' or 'Reset password' and the DCS will recognise whether they're a first time user or not and send out the correct email with a password setup/reset link.
If you get this error popup please contact your library team, Digitisation Team or VLE / Reading List administrator (depending on your institution's setup) to have your details added to the Lecturer space in the DCS so you can access the Academic Request Form.
If your email details were in the system, you will be sent an email like the one below.
Make sure you look in the junk folder for an email from Digital Content Store.
Click on the link to setup your new password to access the form.
Using the form
Once you log in you will be introduced to the form. This form is intended to collect bibliographic and course data to send into the Digital Content Store for your library or Digitisation Teams to process digitisation requests.
The fields with asterisks are mandatory, though books and journals require only book / journal title or ISBN / ISSN.
Please add as much information as possible to the form, as this will make it easier for your institution's library/digitisation team to find the title you require. This will again make your request more likely to be accepted. Note that you can put information such as Author or Edition in the 'Notes' field at the end of the Academic Request Form.
Faculty and Department may have other names at your institution. Faculty will often be a School or College, whilst Department is the individual department. These fields are not required.
Select An Existing Course/Module allows you to select a course that your administrators have already added to the Digital Content Store - always check here before adding a new course
If the course / module is not present then select Course/Module not in list and add the course / module code/ID. You can start to type the code to find it or else scroll down.
The Course/Module Start Date is the date the course / module begins. If the course has already started please use today's date.
You can use the toggle button to move between a journal or book request (you can only make one request at a time).
Journal requests you must enter the field Chapter Extract/Article Title.
For Journals you must also add either ISSN or Journal Title.
You may also add Volume, Issue and Year to help your Digitisation Team find the extract you are looking for.
For Book requests you must add either ISBN or Book Title.
Page Range must always been added. This can be amended by the Digitisation Team so just add what you can (so if you have 20 pages and you don't know the page range you might enter 1-20). You can use the notes section to let the digitisation team know if you believe the page range should be double checked by them.
Page Range must use either dash separators (for consecutive extracts) or comma separators (for non-consecutive ranges) or both.
1, 10, 15, 45
1-20, 45, 68-73, 105
You can add Roman Numerals or Alpha Numeric numbers and they should match the setup for Arabic numbers laid out above.
Please note that the form will not accept the request if there are spaces in the page range.
1 - 20 will fail.
1-20 will be accepted.
If a consecutive page range moves from Roman to Arabic numerals you must split these out with a comma separator.
Consecutive range i-15 will fail! Instead it should be i-xii, 1-15
Please speak to your Digitisation Team if this is causing an issue.
Delivery Date is the date the item is required for. If immediate please put in today's date.
Notes is for any other information that could be helpful such as edition or author.
You can also use the Notes field to embed a link to content if you have made the scan yourself. If linking to a file ensure that the folder is accessible to the Digitisation Team. Otherwise you can use one of the many popular tools to link to items i.e. Google Drive, Drop Box or One Drive.
Once happy with the details you have supplied please select Submit.
If a required field is missed out, this will be flagged by a popup.
The missing field/s is/are now in red.
Once successfully submitted, a confirmation will be given as a pop-up, with the request ID.
You may want to note down the Request ID.
Reset Password
If you forget your password when logging in, select Reset Password where you can add your preferred email.
If your details aren’t in the system a warning will pop-up.
If the details are in the system you will be sent an email, with a link to reset password.
If you have any questions about using the academic request form, please contact your Library or Digitisation team in the first instance, or CLA's DCS support team at support@cla.zendesk.com
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